Saturday, 21 September 2019

Conservation Week

S3 have been busy for the past 7 weeks working with Squawk Squad an organisation promoting sustainability and Kaitiakitanga. (Caring for our Environment) They were lucky enough in Week 5 to win a weeks work of chocolate for the video they presented. They all had a go at eating wraps made from cricket flour.

Art works

We are very proud of Emily and Darlea, whose art works were selected to be exhibited at the Kaiapoi Library alongside art works for the Waimakariri/Enshi Sister City Children's Art Exhibition called my 'Home' town. The student's chose Maukatere ( Mount Grey) and the Rakihuri River.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019


The Rua team have been learning about Kaitiakitanga ( caring for our environment) Nick Ledgard from the Rakahuri Rivercare group came to share how his group care for the environment and help protect the Wrybills form us and predators.